27.06.2009. NKK Trondheim. judge: Edwina Thomas.
Best male, CAC, CACIB and BOB. Norwegian Champion !!!
31.08.2008. Trondheim CAC, best male & BOB
30.08.2008. Trondheim CAC, best male & BOB
11.05.2008. NBFK Rogaland Specilaty Judge: Cath Bond.
Exc. CAC quality, 1st junior class, BOB junior, 2nd best male,
2nd BEST IN SHOW junior. !!!
10.05.2008. NBFK Specilaty. Judge: Anne Marie Lipscombe.
Exc. Honour prize, 3rd in junior class.
24.11.2007. NKK Hamar.
Judge: Ole Staunskjær: 2nd.prize in junior class.
26.08.2007. Norsk Terrier Klub, Trondheim.
Judge: Rajko Rotner, BOB Puppy.
g. developed, ex. type, ex. posison g. pig, quality coat,
ex. head, body, ang. front, ex moves
25.08.2007. Trøndelag Selskapshundklubb.
Judge:Lisbeth Mach. BOB Puppy.
 8 months beaut young male, super temper, ex coat + color, in all close to standard,
 ex neck, g. ang, super head, little open lips, ex. bite + eyes, g. moves
22.04.2007. Trondheim
Judge:     BOB & BIG 3 Puppy.