Chaia du Prč du Viuex Pont.
01.10.2006. BSBK
Judge Seamus Oates: 1 prize, no. 4 in winning class.
Nesbyen 05.-06.08.2006.Both days second prize.
Chaia had a to short body for both of the judges.??
An exclusiv problem we think ;-)
N.B.F.K. Trondheim 26.06.2005. Jugde: Michel Griol
Honour prize,no. 2 winning class, CAC quality
N.K.K. Trondheim 25.06.2005
Jugde: Denis Descamps
Honour prize, re.cacib, cac, 2. best female
22.02.2004 Cacib, Gent
Puppy Class: 1 Very promising, BEST Puppy ;-)
23.05.2004,National breedspesiality, Belgium
Young class: 1 Excellent