We hope for puppies in summer / autumn 2015.

18.12.2014. New link to Kjell-Henning & Tine-Sofie
Dalsgård Hundemat

15.11.2014. Finally we met Nadjarah's Jaqen with lovely temper. New photo.
Bono's son Mission Impossible av Vikholmen  2nd best male, with res. CAC and res. CACIB.
Bono's daugther, Cichla's Montana 2nd best female with res. CACIB.
Bono's son Shereena's Ares 1st in open class with CQ.

14.11.2014. Bono's son Mission Impossible av Vikholmen CAC, CACIB, BOB 4th in group,
 and title Norwegian Winner 2014. Bono's daugther, Cichla's Montana CQ 4th in champion class
at the same show, NKK Norwegian Winner Show

06.11.2014. New photos of Bono's son, Shereenas Ares.

26.10.2014. Check the page Future

16.10.2014. Bono's son, Cc Atomic Romance av Nangijala both hips & elbows free.
New photos of him and Cc Metamorphosis av Nangijala.

27.09.2014. Bono's son, Mission Impossible av Vikholmen, hips and elbows free.

22.09.2014. Kvina's Hit Hard by Magic got hips and elbows free.

08.09.2014. Happy Birthday Isa, 11 years old.

07.09.2014. Results from the Breeed Show in Evje.
p.E. BISS DKCh NCh NW-10 Luavjan's Bono The One exc, 2nd in vet, class.
Moulin Rouge av Vikholmen 2nd best female with CQ, res. CAC
Nadjarah's Athena exc, CQ, BOS vet..

06.09.2014. Results from the Breeed Show in Evje.
p.E. BISS DKCh NCh NW-10 Luavjan's Bono The One exc, CQ 2nd in vet, class.
Moulin Rouge av Vikholmen exc. CQ, 3rd best female with. BOB junior. BIS 2nd junior.
Nadjarah's Athena exc, CQ, BOS vet..
Bono with his offspprings Moulin, Matrix exc, Montana exc, Gucci exc, 2nd.

03.09.2014. New photos of Bono's son, Mastermind av Vikholmen.

14.08.2014. New photos of Bono's son, Mission Impossible av Vikholmen.

06.08.2014. New photo of Nadjarah's Jade "Stella" 16 month old.

18.07.2014. New photos of Nadjarah's Jarah & Nadjarah's Khaleesi.

29.06.2014. Danish Breed Show.
p.E. BISS DKCh NCh NW-10 Luavjan's Bono The One Best male, BOS. BOB vet. BIS vet..
Moulin Rouge av Vikholmen 2nd best female with CAC
Mustanaamion Fidji Exc. 3rd in open class.

28.06.2014. Danish Breed Show.
p.E. BISS DKCh NCh NW-10 Luavjan's Bono The One 3rd best male BOB vet. 2nd BIS vet..
Moulin Rouge av Vikholmen 2nd best female with CAC.
Mustanaamion Fidji Exc. 3rd in open class.

22.06.2014. DKK Int. Show, Vejen.
p.E. BISS DKCh NCh NW-10 Luavjan's Bono The One 2nd best male BOB vet..
Moulin Rouge av Vikholmen 2nd best female with CAC. Qualified for Crufts 2015.
Mustanaamion Fidji VG.

21.06.2014. DKK Int. Show, Vejen.
p.E. BISS DKCh NCh NW-10 Luavjan's Bono The One 2nd best male BOB vet..
Moulin Rouge av Vikholmen 2nd best female with CAC.
Mustanaamion Fidji 3rd best female res. CAC, res. CACIB.

07-06.2014. Bono's daugther, Cichla's Montana is now a Norwegian Show Champion

06.06.2014. New photos of FMBB VW-14 p.E. BISS DKCh NCh NW-10 Luavjan's Bono The One

01.06.2014. FMBB Show in Finland.
p.E. BISS DKCh NCh NW-10 Luavjan's Bono The One exc, CAC quality, 4th best male, BOB vet. BIS vet.
Moulin Rouge av Vikholmen  Exc. 3rd in junior class

31.05.2014. The Finish Breed Show.
p.E. BISS DKCh NCh NW-10 Luavjan's Bono The One exc. 3rd in vet. class.
Moulin Rouge av Vikholmen Exc, CAC quality, 2nd in junior class.

25.05.2014. Luavjan's Bono The One CAC Quality, best male, BOB & BOB vet. 3rd Best in Show vet.
Moulin Rouge av Vikholmen Exc, CAC quality, CAC, best female, BOS. New photos.
Kvina's Hit Hard by Magic CAC quality, res. CAC, 2nd best female. New photos.

New photos of Nadjarah's Khal Drogo 8 weeks old.

18.05.2014. New photos of Nadjarah's Khal Drogo and Nadjarah's Khaleesi.
Very sad news, their mother, Nadjarah's Dora died 16th of May :-(
Our condolences goes to the owner Siv Trolin

15.05.2014. Bono's son, Shereena's Ares hips & elbows free, and eyes clear.

14.05.2014. Nadjarah's Havila is now International Show Champion !!!

11.05.2014. New photos of Nadjarah's Khal Drogo and Nadjarah's Khaleesi, 45 days old.
New photo of Nadjarah's Faun.

05.05.2014. New photos of Nadjarah's Khal Drogo and Nadjarah's Khaleesi.

New pages and some new photos for
Cc Memory av Nangijala, Cc Salvador Dali av Nangijala, Cc Atomic Romance av Nangijala,
Cc Metamorphosis av Nangijala. Cc Enigma av Nangijala, Cc Leda Atomica av Nangiajla.

26.04.2014. New photos of  Nadjarah's Khal Drogo and Nadjarah's Khaleesi.
and of Bono's son, Matrix Revolution av Vikholmen.
The page Our dogs is updatet.

22.04.2014. New photos of Nadjarah's Khal Drogo and Nadjarah's Khaleesi.

21.04.2014. New photo of Hnossa des Terres Bergeres.

19.04.2014. New photos of Khal Drogo & Khaleesi, 23 days old.

18.04.2014. Bono's son, Mission Impossible av Vikholmen CAC quality and BOS

13.04.2014.New photos of Nadjarah's Jarah, Nadjarah's Jila
& Moulin Rouge av Vikhlomen. Thank You Ada.

10.04.2012. Happy Birthday to our J-litter, 1 year old :-)
Khal Drogo & Khaleesi 2 weeks old.

08.04.2014. New photos of Moulin Rouge av Vikhlomen and Nadjarah's Jarah.
Thank Yoy Eli Andrea.

06.04.2014. Breed Show in Bergen.
Moulin Rouge av Vikholmen Exc, CAC quality, res. CAC 4th best female. BIS junior.
Mustanaamion Fidji Exc, 1st in Open class with CAC quality.
Nadjarah's Jarah Exc, 2nd in junior class.

05.04.2014. NKK Show. Bono's daugther, Moulin Rouge av Vikhlomen
CAC quality, best female, CAC & BOS, only 11 months old.
Kvina's Hit Hard by Magic Exc, 1st in open class.

03.04.2014. Khal Drogo & Khaleesi 1 week old.

27.03.2014. Nadjarah's Dora & Valkohampaan Batticuore's twins are born.
1 terv. male & 1 groen. female.

15.03.2014. NKK Kristiansand.
Bono's daugther, Cichla's Montana CAC, CACIB, best female, BOS.
Bono's daugther, Moovie Star av Vikholmen CAC quality, res.CAC, 2nd best female.

09.03.2014. Bono's son, Mission Impossible av Vikholmen CAC quality, best male, BOB.

18.01.2014. Bono's daugther, Cichla's Montana CAC, best female, BOB.

11.01.2014. Bono's son, Mission Impossible av Vikholmen BOB and Best in Group, 3rd BIS puppy.

New photo of Valkohampaan Batticuore.

New photos of Moulin Rouge av Vikholmen.

Godt Nyttår ! Bonne année !
Happy new Year !

Gelukkig niewjaar ! Felice anno nuovo!